
Tips & Advice for Equipment Leasing


The Secret to Hassle-Free Financing

What you need (and don’t need) to get the equipment lease of your dreams

Your business is ready to grow, but you require new equipment assets to get there. You may have even found the exact equipment needed. Financing is the next step, but not the one you’re looking forward to.

We’ve all been there.

The good news? Financing doesn’t have to be a huge headache. Yes, bank loans take time, paperwork and hassle, but equipment leasing is almost unbelievably straight forward. In this article we go over what you will need, and what you can forget about, when securing a good rate on an equipment lease.

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By |July 18, 2019|Business Advice, Equipment Leasing|

The 8 Key Elements of a Successful Business Growth Plan

Straightforward Steps to Help You Minimize Risk and Maximize Growth

Congratulations! You’ve successfully launched a small business, built a client base and are bringing in a profit. Your hard work has paid off and your business is ready for the next step.

Growing your business is exciting and rewarding, but not without risk. Time and resources are precious – and odds are your plate is already pretty full. It can be hard to know where to start and how to best use your resources.

That’s where a good business growth plan can help. Entrepreneurs and business advisors commonly recommend these 8 elements as the backbone of a successful growth plan.

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By |June 21, 2019|Business Advice|

6 Surprising Reasons to Lease Your Grounds Maintenance Equipment

Make that new or used equipment pay for itself!

If you work in grounds maintenance, you know just how critical good equipment is for a quality job. And you know just how expensive, and sometimes risky, purchasing that equipment can feel.

Sure, we all know business growth doesn’t happen without taking risks. But there are smart ways to minimize and decrease those risks. Like lease to own financing. Leasing provides an affordable alternative to bank loans and cash purchases. You can get the right equipment for the job without taking on massive debt or emptying your bank account.

There are solid reasons behind equipment leasing’s wide recognition in the industry. Six surprising reasons, in fact.

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By |May 15, 2019|Equipment Leasing|

Pro Tips for a Successful Online Used Equipment Purchase.

Search Efficiently and Find a Great Deal on the Equipment You Need

Are you ready to start equipment shopping for your business but dreading the thought of hours wasted scrolling though irrelevant “for sale” listings?

We get it. You have more enjoyable things to do.

We’ve been in the new and used equipment leasing business since 1989. We know equipment and how to find it online. These tips will help you cut out the irrelevant stuff, find what you need quickly and improve your success rate. A profitable purchase starts here.

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By |April 24, 2019|Business Advice, Equipment Leasing|

7 Canadian Business Tax Deductions You Should Know About

Use these often-missed strategies to beat the tax man.

March comes in like a lion and goes out like…the tax man? Yep, it’s tax season again.

But, we have good news. Read on for a list of commonly overlooked tax strategies and deductions, including a few that are unique to leasing, that can help ease your tax burden. Don’t forget to talk to your accountant throughout the year to get professional advice and plan ahead.

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By |March 19, 2019|Business Advice|

Lease-to-Own: The Power of Bite-Sized Monthly Payments

The Surprising Benefits of Purchasing Equipment in Monthly Payments

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time of course!

Acquiring new equipment can feel like an elephant-sized burden. Odds are, if you are in the market for a big ticket item, these are some of the questions keeping you up at night:

  • How can I make the process affordable?
  • How can I make money while I work toward paying the equipment off?
  • Where is the down payment going to come from?

Sound familiar?

We have good news. Equipment leasing was designed with these issues in mind. Getting the job done means breaking the cost down into manageable chunks. Let’s look at how leasing can help.

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By |February 26, 2019|Business Advice, Equipment Leasing|

7 Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make with Business Loans

Leverage your borrowing potential with these financial management tips

Don’t be afraid of debt. Business loans enable business growth and empower you to capitalize on new opportunities.

Like any financial decision, however, it pays to prepare carefully. Poor loan planning can endanger your company’s future. A sound investment starts with knowing your options and developing a clear strategy.

The following are seven mistakes that your business doesn’t have to make.

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By |January 18, 2019|Business Advice|

Which End of Lease Option Will You Choose?

Get a Happy Ending for Your Equipment Lease

Are you looking into leasing a piece of equipment? Before you sign on the dotted line, make sure you understand your end of lease options!

Knowing the pros and cons of each end of lease option will allow you to make an informed choice in your equipment leasing decisions– saving you time, money, and hassle. This article will take you through the four most common end of lease arrangements. It will provide you with the information you need to ask the right questions of your lease broker and secure the right equipment lease for your unique needs.

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By |December 17, 2018|Equipment Leasing|

What is Sale and Leaseback Financing?

Sale and Leaseback Financing

Answers to Common Questions About This Specialty Equipment Lease Option

Growing a business takes flexibility, creativity and a willingness to think outside the box. Consider these scenarios: You need to hire a new employee or finance a large scale project. The bank route is out. You have big-ticket assets in your equipment, but no way to access that equity. Leaseback financing is designed to give you a way forward. It can bridge the gap and help your business work toward greater profitability.

So what is a Sale and Leaseback? Read on and find answers to some of the most common questions.

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By |November 14, 2018|Business Advice, Equipment Leasing|

Top Advantages to Leasing Your Heavy Equipment

Top Advantages to Leasing Your Heavy Equipment

Consider putting the power and flexibility of leasing to work for your business.

Looking to upgrade old equipment? Expanding into new areas? Want to take advantage of new technology?

Consider heavy equipment leasing.

Buying new equipment can be a huge decision. You owe it to yourself and your business to explore all available options. There are solid financial reasons why leasing your next equipment purchase might just be the best choice for your company.

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By |October 17, 2018|Business Advice, Equipment Leasing|
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