
Tips & Advice for Equipment Leasing


Business Owners Get Equipment Leasing [VIDEO]

New Thomcat Leasing Video is Live!

Paying for your business equipment is hard.

Banks don’t help with their ridiculous policies and mountains of paperwork.

Getting the equipment your business needs to function and grow shouldn’t be that hard. Thomcat Leasing makes securing your equipment safe and easy.

Check out this video about equipment leasing and it’s benefits:

See for yourself how affordable equipment leasing is to your business. Get a 60 second lease estimate today!

Get 60 Second Lease Estimate Now!

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By |January 24, 2017|Business Advice, News|

4 Tips for Keeping Your Job Site Safe

4 Tips for Job Site Safety

Reduce Workplace Injuries

As you know, when heavy equipment is used on a job site, it is vitally important to ensure the safety of your workers. According to WorkSafeBC, 145,803 injuries were reported in BC in 2015 resulting in 122 work-related death claims, 6,628 short-term disability claims, 2.6 million days lost from work.

Of those work-related injuries, the two leading sectors were Construction and Manufacturing. With those statistics in mind, how can you prevent such tragedies from occurring on your watch?

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By |December 12, 2016|Business Advice|

How to Effectively Shop for Heavy Equipment Online

How to Shop for Heavy Equipment Online

Expert Tips to Find the Equipment You Need Fast

Sometimes finding the right equipment for your business to function and grow can be difficult. You don’t have a lot of time to be browsing pages of irrelevant listings. You just want to find what you need, get it, and put it to work.

This guide will provide you with examples and advice for finding your equipment fast. I’ve been shopping for heavy equipment every day since 1989, and as simple as these tips might be – they really work!

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By |November 16, 2016|Business Advice, Equipment Leasing|

5 Common Scams Targeting Small Business

Common Business Scams Targeting SMBs

How to Protect Your Business from Fraudsters

According to the Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses, 1 in 5 small businesses were the victim of fraud or attempted fraud this past year. The average loss suffered by a small business was about $6,200. And as anyone who has been the victim of fraud knows, more is lost than just money: time, productivity, stress, and an overall drop in employee moral have been reported.

One of the best ways to fight scammers is to keep yourself and your employees informed of potential scams that are circulating.

Here are 5 common scams and how to identify them (so you can protect yourself)!

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By |October 25, 2016|Business Advice|

5 Advantages to Leasing Heavy Equipment

5 Advantages to Leasing Heavy Equipment

Why You Should Really Consider Equipment Leasing for Your Business

Are you wondering where you’ll get the cash to buy the heavy equipment your business needs?

There’s a simple, and advantageous, solution to your heavy equipment needs in Canada. You might want to consider equipment leasing. Just check out some of the various advantages that come from leasing your heavy equipment.

No huge wad of cash required.

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By |September 20, 2016|Equipment Leasing|

Why Equipment Price Doesn’t Really Matter

Why Equipment Price Doesn't Matter Title Image - Excavator with Rock Breaker Attachment

Buy the Best Equipment Based on its Efficiency

Heavy machinery prices continue to rise despite some rough economic times in Canada. It’s enough to make us all go deal seeking for the cheapest option that will just (barely) get the job done.

The thing is… A cheap piece of equipment is a cheap piece of equipment. An old adage says “you get what you pay for.”

Consider the long term operating costs of owning the best equipment. An efficient, low maintenance machine, will quickly add up to huge savings in the long run. You’ll quickly realize that getting the best heavy equipment for your business IS the most affordable option.

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By |August 24, 2016|Equipment Leasing|

Equipment Lease vs. Equipment Loan

Equipment Lease Vs. Loan

Picking the Best Financing Model for Your Equipment Purchases

It’s pretty rare these days that a business has the free-standing cash to purchase all the equipment it needs. Prices of equipment continue to soar. Besides, it’s not always advantageous for you to tie up all your business cash into equipment.

Most people are turning to financing to get their equipment. It makes perfect sense! You’ll be earning revenue off of the equipment while you pay it off. Not too mention breaking a large sum into smaller manageable payments.

Should you get an equipment lease or an equipment loan? Do you turn to a lease broker? Or do you talk to your bank for a loan?

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By |August 3, 2016|Equipment Leasing|

Spending to Grow Your Business

Reading Business Newspaper

Gain Positive Return on Investment on Your Most Important Business Expenditures

When it comes to managing your business finances there are daily decisions that you need to make. Whether it’s paying employees, purchasing equipment, or processing payments, you will regularly check your cash flow. How much comes in and how much goes out.

Let’s talk a little bit about what goes out. Sometimes you need to spend some to earn some.

While keeping expenditures low is a good general strategy, there is definitely the chance of being too restrictive when it comes to spending. Your business feeds on cash. You need it to function, grow, and earn new contracts.

There are good expenditures. They are the ones that bring you a positive return on investment.

Here’s how to turn your 3 biggest expenses into good investments:

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By |June 23, 2016|Business Advice|
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