
Tips & Advice for Equipment Leasing


5 Tips to Building Your Business Credit

Get Approved for the Equipment Lease You Need

Arm Wrestling with CreditorGetting the right commercial trucks or heavy equipment is paramount for your business to function and grow.

An excellent equipment financing program can get you exactly what you need without having to break your bank account. One of the things you must consider when looking for equipment leasing is your business credit. Is it impressive or tattered?

Here are 5 tips to help you build your business credit:

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By |May 10, 2016|Business Advice, Equipment Leasing|

The Secret to Increasing Your Heavy Equipment Sales

How to Create Win-Win Situations Between Buyers and Sellers

Signing an Equipment Lease ContractLet’s face it. Heavy equipment is expensive. It’s tough for the small businesses out there, the backbone of our economy, to afford enough equipment to compete with the bigger guys. Even the most seasoned contractor may start feeling a little lightheaded when they see the sticker prices and for the uninitiated… Well it can push their blood pressure beyond the “healthy” range.

Thankfully, it is a simple matter to put quality equipment into your buyers hands and increase your sales at the same time. All you have to do is partner with an equipment leasing company and post the low monthly payments loud and proud. This will instantly make things more affordable and let buyers know there is hope on any budget.

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By |April 12, 2016|Equipment Leasing, Equipment Vendors|

Friday Fun – Heavy Machinery Dating

How to Impress a Girl on Your First Date

We all know that Canadians can have a great sense of humour. The CBC program “This Hour Has 22 Minutes” put together a comical sketch to give you a few ideas on impressing your significant other in your life.

Give it a watch!

Of course, if you need equipment to win contracts, earn more, and get the job done – apply for affordable lease to own financing with Thomcat Leasing today!

Apply Now!

By |November 20, 2015|Equipment Leasing|

Choosing Your End of Lease Option

Tailoring an Equipment Lease to Your Unique Business

komatsu-excavatorsGetting the right heavy equipment or commercial trucks is essential for your business. A Canadian equipment lease can help you acquire what you need quickly without breaking your bank account. Before you get started by signing on the dotted line, have you considered how the lease will end? There are many end of lease options, and which one you want depends a lot on your unique business circumstances and plans.

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By |June 25, 2015|Business Advice, Equipment Leasing|

Building a Multi-Million Dollar Construction Company through Equipment Leasing (and Hard Work!)

Chris Shares His Story of How Economic Downturn Turned Him Into a Successful Entrepreneur

37We have been asking our customers to submit stories on how they came to be business owners and the trials they have faced. In this blog series, we are sharing these stories so that others looking to jump into the world of small business have some information before making the leap. Each of the customers taking part in this series is happy to impart the wisdom they have gained in hopes that other new business owners will be able to use it to their benefit.

This story comes from Chris, who decided to start a construction business and was helped greatly by the power of equipment leasing.

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Avoid Fraud Scams While Buying and Selling Equipment

How to Buy and Sell Heavy Equipment without Losing Your Shirt

working-late-and-stressedScam artists are everywhere looking for a quick buck. These days, if you want to buy or sell something, you need to be very cautious. Buying and selling heavy equipment and commercial trucks online is no different.

March is Fraud Prevention Awareness month. In honour of this occasion, we’re giving a few insider tips on how to detect a scam and get away without losing your shirt.

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By |April 27, 2015|Business Advice|

4 Commonly Hidden Fees in Equipment Leasing You Need to Know About

Avoid Unnecessary Costs to Your Equipment Lease

Cheesy Salesman Hiding FeesIt’s a terrible feeling when you have spent hours finding the perfect heavy equipment or commercial truck for your business that fits your budget, and then discovering a stream of hidden fees. Suddenly, your budget is drained and you’ve paid too much for your equipment lease. An equipment lease is supposed to protect your capital reserves and give you low manageable payments.

You need to know what to expect up front. Being aware in advance of the various types of hidden fees that exist might help to protect you better financially. Here’s 4 commonly hidden fees you can expect, and how to deal with them fairly.

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By |March 17, 2015|Equipment Leasing|

Building a Care Facility with the Power of Equipment Leasing

Laying the Foundation of My Business – Gwen’s Story

Gwen Builds Adult Day Care with Equipment LeaseWe’ve been asking around and listening to stories from our customers. In this series we share what some people have to say about launching their own business. What lessons have they learned? They happily impart some of their wisdom onto the rest of us.

This story comes from Gwen, who built her own adult care facility…

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By |December 23, 2014|Business Advice, Customer Stories|
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